Planetary Oils

Planetary Oils

100% natural, organic essential oils, herbs, resins and crystals in a pure olive oils base. Use these oils to align yourself with the energies of each planet and the lights (Sun and Moon).

They come in a small glass bottle (10ml), beautifully hand painted and decorated to fit each planets traditional theme. Each recipe is original and hand made to order to insure the highest potency & quality.

Anointing oils can be used to consecrate candles and other ritual tools to imbue them with the energies of the corresponding planet, or added to an oil burner or incense blend. After use, the pretty bottle can be repurposed to store herbs, crystals or refilled with oil.

£7.99 each incl. P&P

Please select the planetary oil you wish to purchase from the list below:

Sun Planetary Oil

Uses: for magick and rituals involving attracting money, honour, promotion, success, support of those in power, friendship, masculine energy, strength, endurance & healing.

Moon Planetary Oil

Uses: all magick and rituals associated with the feminine, emotions, intuition, clearing illusions, divination, dreams, fertility & cycles.

Mercury Planetary  Oil

Uses: for magick and rituals involving the mind & intellect, memory, communication, skill, agility, creativity, business, travel & trade.

Venus Planetary  Oil

Uses: magick and rituals surrounding love, romance, desire, sex, marriage, friendships, values, sociability, pleasure, beauty, artistic creativity & imagination.

Earth Planetary Oil

Uses: magick and rituals surrounding environmental issues, healing the planet, working with animals and creatures of all kinds, respect, grounding and healing.

Mars Planetary  Oil

Uses: magick and rituals involving the need for energy, bossing your sex drive, expansion, courage, adventure, risk-taking, sports, exercises,  Mars can be used to control impulsiveness, resolve conflicts and aids in all defensive magick.

Jupiter Planetary  Oil

Uses: magick and rituals for boosting optimism, happiness, health, expansion, learning, examinations, law, justice, honour,  luck, fate, career matters, material success and wealth.

Saturn  Planetary Oil

Uses: magick and rituals concerned with ambition, structure, order, realism, self-control, restrictions, limits,  the occult, wisdom, death, reincarnation, endings, bindings & banishing.

Uranus Oil

Uses: magick and rituals that need an element of eccentricity, rebellion, originality, breaking out, removing limitations & boundaries,  knowledge, innovation, reformation, drastic and instantaneous change. 

Neptune Oil

Uses: magick and ritual work centred around accessing the subconscious, developing psychic abilities, divination,  communication and working with spirits & the Otherworld, inspiration, spiritual growth & creativity.

Pluto Oil

Uses: magick and rituals connected with death, rebirth, life cycles, transformation, evolution, sex, death, spirituality, the Underworld, stealth, keeping or revealing secrets, purging, elimination, destruction and invoking radical change.